On this page you can learn about members of your community. Those featured here are prominent collaborators with SotoLife, helping to foster care, collaboration, connection and support within our Sotogrande community.
Hayley Francis Hayley is well-known in Sotogrande for the immense amount of time, energy and support she gives to caring about and connecting people and helping with charitable events. Hayley brings her love and enthusiasm to support sotolife alongside her Soto parents group.... 'In the community it has always been important for me to try to help others. It started off by arranging a few coffee mornings then by bringing together children’s classes for Sotogrande families and forming ideas for activities in the local area for all to enjoy. In the early days Soto Parents group formed to offer a connection and a platform to socialise but also to help new families settle into life here and make friends. The group continues to grow and is a social platform where parents feel comfortable to ask questions, ask for help/advice and from this it has allowed friendships to form through introductions and now families arrange meet ups and play dates on a daily basis. Over time it’s been possible to encourage more people to get involved and this now has blossomed with the support of some wonderful local businesses. Currently with the help of another mum who volunteers her time each day the Facebook group now is able to share more information. What is important to me is to create a community where everyone feels welcome'.
Alieke van Esterik Twoyearsago I movedtoSotograndeanditonlytook me a couple of daystorealizethis was the best step we took as a family thatsummer. Becauseitfelt right. It was like coming home. Sotogrande was andstill is theplaceforustosettle, built our home, andenjoy life.
I’m a holistictherapistand run myownhealingpracticeFloways. I am a huge fan of TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine). Floways offers powerfultechniquessuch as Qigong, Reiki, Subconscious cleaning and Family constellationspracticedwith love. Frommyexperienceandgrowth, I changeddirection, my lifestyle andmy view on my well-beingwhichbrought me much closer tomystrength. I wishthesamehappinessforyou. I will guide youthroughtheprocess of findinginsights, more energy andvitality. Step by step we worktogethertowards a permanent transitionto a healthierandfulfilling life. Together we cancreateand share ourknowledgeand(new)experiencestobuild a stronger community. Alieke van Esterik -www.floways.co[email protected] +34 633293458
Veronika Gau Emotional and LifeConsultant - Trained in Integrative BodyTherapy OfficialLanguageTeacher and Specialist in Learning Strategies, with a degree in Political Science
I'mVeronika, I'mAustrian and I havebeen living in the South ofSpainfor 28 years. Myfirst place in Spainwas a littlevillage in themountainscalled Zahara de la Sierra, where Iquickly becamepartofthecommunity, later I moved to San Roque, to work as an officiallanguage teacher.
I am a mother of two boys that are grown-ups now, young students which are making me really proud and happy as a mother. I speak fluent Spanish and German (my first language), my English is quite natural, and my French is okay. I love connecting, meeting and communicating with people from different cultures and languages.
Mymissionishelpingpeopleto be happy, to findtheirway, to findthemselves and to find their meaningful purpose. Over 5 years, Itrained as an Integrative BodyTherapist and today I work as an emotional and life consultant, alongside providing a recruitment service for Austria and Switzerland, creating opportunities for people to discover new and exciting roles. As a member of SotoLife, I'd love to help the English speaking community to connect with the Spanish one. My interest has always been to help, in fact, my first project in Spain was a PhD project about Rural Development.
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It takes a community to build a community. Your contribution is important. GET IN TOUCH! I am excited to get to know you and collaborate with you in creating a stronger sense of community spirit, care, support, and of course fun! Please feel welcome to contact me if you wish to shares ideas or get involved. Anyone who shares my passions and interests with bilingual Spanish and English who would like to help make this is bilingual project is very welcome to get in touch. Tel: +34 620 741 361 Email: [email protected]