On this page, you will find information on the on duty pharmacy, local emergency numbers, a link to our local newspaper, details on applying for official documents, and useful directories for the Sotogrande area.
Emergencies 112 National Police 091 Local Police 956682174 Guardia Civil 062 or 956794304 Fire Brigade 085 Health Emergencies 061 San Enrique Medical Center 24h: 902 50 50 61 or 956 61 51 99
Official Documents
Car Tax payment: Go to San Roque town hall with your NIE number.
Foreign Residents Information Office (FRIO): The Borough Tourist Office, Palacio de los Gobernadores, Calle Rubín de Celis, s/n, 11360 SAN ROQUE Tel: +34 956 694 005 / +34 647 546 742 Email: [email protected] (Fluent english)
NIE and Social Security set up: Foreign Residents Information Office (FRIO), The Borough Tourist Office, Palacio de los Gobernadores, Calle Rubín de Celis, s/n. 11.360 SAN ROQUE, +34 956 694 005 / +34 647 546 742 [email protected]
Register the birth of your child
Hospital report: Before you leave the hospital, or after giving birth at home, be sure to get a birth report from the midwife.
Civil Registration: Attend the local registry office within 30 days to register the birth of your baby
Birth Certificate: If you want to be able to apply for a passport in another country. 'LITERAL' is the full length birth certificate.
Passport Application: Contact your home country (where you child is eligible for a passport) to register the birth and apply for a passport.
Apply for a health card for your child: If you work as employed or self-employed Autonomo, you are entitled to register your child as your dependant / beneficiario. Go to your local health centre to do this, or ask your Gestoria. If you do not work in spain, then you need to apply under the ´bajos recursos´ scheme as all minors are entitled to free healthcare. All documents and form to complete to apply for healthcare under the ´bajos recursos´/ low income scheme can be found here: http://www.seg-social.es/wps/portal/wss/internet/InformacionUtil/44539/45195 You will need your health card when you apply for your childs health card.
Register your child as resident (You will first need the baby's passport, Spanish birth certificate or an official translation of non-spanish birth certificate, medical card, your residency card, a copy of your passport, 2 passport photos of the baby, photocopies of everything and a form EX18 (Not yet sure where this is, but likely at the civil registry or national police station). You then go to your local town hall to register.